Berikut adalah ponsel, tablet, dan layanan operator seluler
terbaik dalam penghargaan ICA 2013:
Kategoti ponsel dan tablet
The best buy phone: Lenovo P770
The best CDMA phone: Smartfren Andromax U
The best design phone: Sony Xperia Z
The best Android phone: Samsung Galaxy Note II
The best performance phone: Sony Xperia Z
The best tablet PC: Apple New iPad
The best Windows Phone: Nokia Lumia 920
The most popular phone: Samsung Galaxy S4
Kategori operator seluler
The best CDMA operator: Smartfren
The best GSM operator: Telkomsel
The best corporate social responsibility (CSR): Indosat
The best value added service (VAS): Tri
The best data package: Axis
The best BlackBerry package: Telkomsel
The best customer service: XL Axiata
Kategori lain
The best booth operator: XL Axiata
The best booth non-operator: Oppo
The best booth pilihan pengunjung: Telkomsel
Sumber : Kompas
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